Wednesday 26 March 2014

Turning art into art

This is me and Al-Dawg in the photo studio rapping into a camera thus the  name "Turning art into art" its sort of a double entendre on the camera being used to make art and rapping, also another form of art.

Saturday 22 March 2014

#24hourproject #24jozi Photoshoot

Myself my fellow classmate and my lecturer took part in the 24 hour project photo shoot. I really didn't know what to expect in the beginning and i was taken by surprise. Today I felt like a tourist in my own country, why I say this is because i went places today I didn't think existed. I believe JHB as a whole has different stories to tell to different listeners and they not just local but international as well. At 4am this morning we made our way to the Maboneng precinct once again to capture what goes on while we sleeping. When we arrived we met people from all walks of life with different attitudes and mindsets towards life filled with an unexplainable curiosity as to what our country has to offer. South Africa as a whole is infamous for an amount of unappealing things but we never take the time to just focus on the positivity its filled with. I live by a rule that I have made for myself, when opportunity arises I have nothing to lose so chances are I'm going to grab it with both hands and that rule has never lead me to feel regret. Every time I take a picture I always think to myself that i cannot take a better picture if my life depended on it but day after day I find myself proving wrong. I think this has something to say for itself that if you are willing to humble yourself and put yourself out there to be taught and you are willing to learn and have a teachable spirit you will succeed in whatever your endevour is without a doubt. A wise woman once told me that in order for a sacrifice to be a sacrifice it needs to cost you something and personally missing 8 hours of sleep to be the best I can be is sacrifice enough for me, that is why I can sit here and tell myself and you guys that I am proud of me for the work i have done today. To whoever reads my blog and sees my pictures I just hope you receive it with an open mind and a broad spectrum of what I am trying to say in my pictures whether you agree or disagree is entirely up to you.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Exhibition 2014

From one click of a camera button to what I have learnt this far has been a mind blowing experience. Never in my life did I think I would be preparing to have an exhibition of pictures that I took and edited, people say you learn something new everyday and that saying proves its authentication to me everyday. I took a bunch of pictures for my exhibition and I hope I can make an impact and change the way people think and view things. My journey has taken me to many places and I've tried to capture a little bit of it all. I wouldn't say I have a personal style of photography I just go with the flow, if it catches my eye I shoot that's just me. I don't want to blow my own horn but I think this is my best work so far and I'm always setting the bar to do better and push  myself so enjoy the images and don't be scared to comment, like and share thank you.

Cant live with it, cant live without it

Extra te''RUST''rials

Freedom ain't free

Government did it

Living in the sky

Moonwalking on the clouds

Trying to survive, trying to stay alive

Walkway to our futures

What happens in the hood stays in the hood

What's on their minds ?

Monday 17 March 2014

Arts On Main ...

Arts on main is the art capital of Jozi. Its my second time visiting the place and all I can say is its a place for "out of the box thinkers". I believe that you cannot go to such a place with a narrow mind because you will feel left out. Arts on main has a lot to offer especially for the up and coming #UrbanCreatives and while I was there with my classmates we had a chance to take a few pictures. Call it a small photo shoot if you will.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Have Hope and Stay Dope

These past few weeks have really opened my mind up in terms of  working with people and finding myself. WYC and all the sponsors are good people and positivity is all you find around them. As a student from the DC class. I have also learned alot about photography and filming. Each of us have to do a 10 photo series of our surroundings and our day to day happenings.

The title of my series will be "Have Hope and Stay Dope" and a series of photographs will be uploaded every week that has factors of the title.

 I titled this photograph "Whats on their minds ?" and no one will ever know but for them to still smile and pose for pictures under their circumstances and the way they growing up means there is still hope for our future generations.

This is where the dope part comes in, Nowhere in the world is there another pair of sneakers like this. There are different colours, different styles, different shapes and sizes but there is not another pair like this and thats DOPE.

This is a picture of a baby, I dont have a title for this photograph but when I think about it the first thing that comes to mind is innocence and she doesnt know alot about whats really happening around her so I do have a title after all and I would like to call this photograph "Innocent Ignorance"